About Coast Mental Health Foundation

Many programs at Coast Mental Health are possible because of donations to Coast Mental Health Foundation.

Coast Mental Health Foundation is Coast’s partner organization, dedicated to raising philanthropic funds. While many of our basic services are funded thanks to our government partners, donations help us go the extra mile for our clients.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, we’ve been able to start unique programs like Peer Support Training and Brain Training, benefitting thousands of people in our community. The Foundation also helps us provide essential items like meals and hygiene supplies, as well as employment and education opportunities which greatly improve our clients’ quality of life.

Donor Impact in Action: Programs for Young Adults

When young adults turn 19, they often lose access to traditional care programs. We know these young people need extra support.

Thanks to the incredible community of donors to Coast Mental Health Foundation, we can meet their individual needs:

  • In Maple Ridge, outreach workers help young adults in the community connect to housing and health support.
  • Pacific Coast Apartments is home to 20 young adults with severe mental illness or substance use disorders. They receive support from a dedicated social worker to help in their recovery.
  • In Mt. Pleasant, we have a special space for young adults offering music therapy, brain training, outings, job opportunities, meals, and more.
  • Young adults can join a 10-week culinary training program, or train as a Peer Support Worker.

These are just some examples of the difference our incredible community of donors make every single day. 

Dayley’s Story

Dayley and Amy during a brain training session

Dayley and Amy during a brain training session


Dayley is a young adult living with psychosis, PTSD, and OCD. She has been coming to Coast’s young adult space for over five years and has participated in many programs, from culinary training to brain training.

“I was in the psych ward before Coast, and it’s helped me stay out of there for quite some time. Coast has changed my life for the better,” she says.

You can make a difference by making a donation today. 


Your donation to Coast Mental Health Foundation provides essential housing, support, and employment services for people with mental illness so they can find their meaningful place in our community – a place to live, a place to connect, and a place to work.



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