Bridgid’s Story: Navigating the System
When you’re young and don’t have a safe home environment, you can really feel all alone. This can be made even worse when you’re also living with a mental illness. This was certainly true for Bridgid and her boyfriend. Bridgid, diagnosed with extreme depression and anxiety due to trauma, received support from the Coast outreach workers.
“I’m good now. I’m stable. Coast has really helped me,” reflects Bridgid.
Outreach Workers Creating Connections
The Outreach workers connect with vulnerable youth in Maple Ridge who live with mental illness, substance use disorders or are at risk of homelessness.
“My colleagues and I will visit the Triangle Community Resource Centre, which is where we met Bridgid. We also try and connect with youth at Connex SD42 Program and the Foundry to let folks know we’re here to help,” says Ashleigh a Coast Youth Outreach Worker.
Bridgid lives with her boyfriend’s family. While this a is a more stable environment than living with her own family, it is not ideal.
“We’re trying to help them move out on their own. It’s not a really good environment for them to be in. It’s not a safe environment,” comments Ainsleigh.

Ainsleigh is helping Bridgid to navigate the system and access the care she needs
Bridgid is working with Ainsleigh to find secure and stable housing.
“They’re also supporting me and boyfriend on budgeting and a lot of different support and guidance for living on our own. Trying to figure out income and stuff,” adds Bridgid.
Ainsleigh is instrumental in helping young adults like Bridgid navigate the systems of care and advocates for them.
“My pharmacy gave me a really hard time about one of my prescriptions, but Ainsleigh stepped in and worked with them to fix the issue so that I could get my medication,” remarks Bridgid.
Ainsleigh is also helping Bridgid find mental health supports including specialized treatment and a counsellor.
“Working with Coast is great though, because even if I don’t have a counsellor right now, I have Ainsleigh. So I’m not on my own,” says Bridgid.
Planning for the future
With her mental health supports in place, Bridgid is now able to looking ahead and making plans for her future. She’s enrolled in a work employment program. And with the budgeting skills she’s learning from Ainsleigh, she hopes to attend a post-secondary program in a few years.
This program is critical in helping young adults find the supports they need to thrive in the community and is only made possible through the generosity of our donors.