Isolation care packs keep clients safe during pandemic
“This is amazing! I’ve never received such a nice present before in my life. I don’t know what to say. Thank you!”
Those are the words of Jimmey, a Coast resident at Garibaldi Ridge. He had just received a personalized care package with a new pillow, socks, towel set and wallet.
Thanks the generosity of donors, personalized isolation care packs have been gifted to over 1,200 members of our community across more than 40 different Coast Mental Health homes and programs over the past months
These care packages help clients – many of whom are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 – adhere to safety protocols, keeping themselves and their communities safe, and offering comfort during such a difficult time.

Madison (right) received a new towel set and body products. “Thank you so much these are all so beautiful. I was just about to take a shower and now I have everything I need. Pink is my favorite colour. This is such a kind thing to do!”
“I am grateful for these gifts. They reduce my need to go out into the community, as I have been quite anxious about going out with Covid-19.” said one recipient.
Staff chose items to suit the specific needs of each person, to help create a more welcoming place for them to stay home.
Care packages have included basic food staples, hygiene items such as toothpaste, razors and shampoo, new bedsheets, socks, slippers, clocks, toques, CDs, pajamas and even treats for a beloved dog.
The care packages have been gratefully received by both staff and clients.
Coast staff member Nitesh Naidu said: “We would like to thank the donors for everything they have given us.
“Your donation not only helps the residents at Coast Magnolia and Highlands, but also reduces the possible spread of Covid-19 in our beloved homes.
“It helps and protects the residents, the staff and their families, and the rest of the community by limiting transmission and the spread of Covid19. At times like these, we are even more grateful for your kind actions.”

Jimmy with his new towels, pillow and wallet.