Embarking on the road to recovery from mental illness is a deeply personal decision followed by an equally personal process. Community-based mental health care allows for programs, services, and resources to be customized around each person’s unique recovery needs.
For 45+ years, Coast Mental Health has been empowering people living with mental illness by providing three essential pillars of sustained recovery: housing, support services, and employment/education.
Every donation to Coast Mental Health Foundation provides people living with mental illness with a meaningful place in our community – a place to live, a place to connect, and a place to work.
Please give today. You can help open the door to recovery.
Meet Sean.
Years ago, Sean felt trapped. He had lost who he was and his life felt overwhelming. His family relationships were suffering. Mental illness and addiction had taken him back to his hometown where he found himself homeless and at a crossroads. He chose to reach out for help.
After being admitted to a psychiatric ward at the hospital, Sean spent the initial months of his battle finding his way back to himself. Once released he entered another centre in the hopes of continuing that meaningful journey. A relapse didn’t shake his belief that he had the courage to recover. Channeling his inner pain and hopes of inspiring himself as well as others who were struggling, Sean began to write. Initially jotting down ideas here and there.
Following his institutional stays Sean was connected to Coast Mental Health’s Rehab and Recovery Program at Riverview Lands in Coquitlam. The calm environment and community-based mental health care provided Sean with the opportunity to begin to piece together his thoughts and weave them into works of writing that spoke of his hope of a better future.
Meet Jocelyn.
Sean’s daughter
Years ago, Jocelyn’s relationship with her dad was strained. Having a parent struggle with mental illness and addiction made life feel incredibly stressful. After years of feeling helpless, Jocelyn and her sisters chose to take action. They bundled up their love for him and took a strong stance in the hopes of encouraging him to get the help he desperately needed.
Their ultimatum shook her dad’s world by letting him know that Jocelyn and her sisters were no longer going to stand by and witness him slowly disappear. They urged him to stand up and fight against the forces pulling him down. If he wanted them in his life, he would need to find the courage.
Their dad reached out for help.
Here is where Sean’s recovery has led them.
These days, Coast staff can’t miss Sean’s eyes beaming with pride each time he showcases his inspirational quotes, poetry or lyrics and speaks of a book in the works. A broad smile breaks through his tough exterior and lights up the room when he speaks about his daughters. His resiliency in his recovery and continued choice to connect with the best of himself is motivated by his daughters.
“We’re all running toward ourselves… Drugs weren’t my downfall… I was my own downfall. Coast’s staff has been great and I finally feel like I have a team. It’s calming here. I’m not alone.”
Whether it’s face-timing with his daughter or hearing a simple “I’m proud of the choices you’re making”, Sean recognizes that all he learns continues to bring him closer to himself and also to her.
“It’s because of Coast’s programs and the support I’ve received that I’ve been able to reconnect with my daughters.”
Jocelyn now looks back on the time that her dad has spent on himself with pride. Slowly but surely, they’ve chosen to begin rebuilding their own relationship by opening the lines of communication.
“Our relationship has gotten a lot better ever since he went to get help. He’s calmer since going to Coast… I’m extremely proud of him and his recovery.”
A few visits down, and a few more on the horizon. Jocelyn is hopeful that her dad’s continued recovery will only strengthen their relationship. The embers of love that her sisters and she have for him are slowly being fanned to a flame.
“His recovery is leading him back to us… It’s starting to give us back our dad.”
Empower the courage of people like Sean.
Give the gift of recovery this Holiday Season.
You can change the lives of people living with mental illness.
Every donation to Coast Mental Health Foundation provides people living with mental illness with a meaningful place in our community – a place to live, a place to connect, and a place to work.
Please give today. You can help open the door to recovery.